How to Create an EMI Calculator Tool for WordPress using HTML CSS $ JAVASCRIPT 2025
How to Create an EMI Calculator Tool

How to Create an EMI Calculator Tool for WordPress using HTML CSS $ JAVASCRIPT 2025

Key Features of the EMI Calculator Tool

  1. Loan Amount Input
    • Allow users to input the loan amount, ranging from small to large values (e.g., ₹50,000 to ₹1,00,00,000).
  2. Interest Rate Input
    • Provide a field where users can input the interest rate in percentage.
  3. Loan Tenure Selection
    • Add a slider or dropdown menu for users to select the loan tenure in months or years.
  4. Real-Time EMI Calculation
    • Include a “Calculate EMI” button that instantly displays the results.
  5. Dynamic Results Display
    • Show Monthly EMI, Total Interest Payable, and Total Payment Amount (Principal + Interest).
  6. Amortization Schedule
    • Offer a detailed month-wise breakdown of principal and interest via a table or graph.
  7. Responsive Design
    • Ensure the tool is mobile-friendly and functions flawlessly across different devices.
  8. Customizable Appearance
    • Allow customization options to match the tool’s design with your website theme.
  9. Shortcode Integration
    • Enable the tool to be easily embedded in pages or posts using WordPress shortcodes.
  10. SEO Optimization
    • Optimize the tool with meta tags and structured data to improve search engine rankings.
  11. Multilingual Support (Optional)
    • Provide accessibility in multiple languages, such as Hindi and English.

How to Create an EMI Calculator Tool for WordPress using HTML CSS $ JAVASCRIPT


<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>EMI Calculator 2025</title>
    <meta name="description" content="Best EMI Calculator 2025 - Calculate your Equated Monthly Installment with detailed amortization schedule">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
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    <button class="btn btn-primary theme-toggle" onclick="toggleTheme()" style="position: fixed; top: 20px; right: 20px;">
        <i class="fas fa-moon"></i> Toggle Theme

    <div class="container">
        <div class="toolbox">
            <h2 class="text-center mb-4">EMI Calculator</h2>
            <div class="calculator-container">
                <div class="input-section">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="loanAmount" class="form-label">Loan Amount (₹)</label>
                        <input type="number" class="form-control" id="loanAmount" min="50000" max="10000000" value="1000000">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="interestRate" class="form-label">Interest Rate (%)</label>
                        <input type="number" class="form-control" id="interestRate" min="1" max="30" step="0.1" value="10.5">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="loanTenure" class="form-label">Loan Tenure</label>
                        <div class="input-group">
                            <input type="number" class="form-control" id="loanTenure" min="1" max="360" value="20">
                            <select class="form-select" id="tenureType">
                                <option value="years">Years</option>
                                <option value="months">Months</option>
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <select class="form-select" id="languageSelector">
                            <option value="en">English</option>
                            <option value="hi">हिंदी</option>
                    <div class="d-flex gap-2">
                        <button id="calculateEMI" class="btn btn-primary flex-grow-1">Calculate EMI</button>
                        <button id="resetForm" class="btn btn-secondary">Reset</button>

                <div class="result-section">
                    <div class="result-item">
                        <h4>Monthly EMI</h4>
                        <p id="monthlyEMI">₹0</p>
                    <div class="result-item">
                        <h4>Total Interest</h4>
                        <p id="totalInterest">₹0</p>
                    <div class="result-item">
                        <h4>Total Amount</h4>
                        <p id="totalAmount">₹0</p>

                <div class="chart-section">
                    <h3>Amortization Schedule</h3>
                    <div class="table-responsive">
                        <table class="table table-striped" id="amortizationTable">

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="emi-calculator.js"></script>

        function toggleTheme() {
      class EMICalculator {
    constructor() {

    initializeElements() {
        // Input elements
        this.loanAmount = document.getElementById('loanAmount');
        this.interestRate = document.getElementById('interestRate');
        this.loanTenure = document.getElementById('loanTenure');
        this.tenureType = document.getElementById('tenureType');
        this.calculateBtn = document.getElementById('calculateEMI');
        this.resetBtn = document.getElementById('resetForm');
        // Result elements
        this.monthlyEMI = document.getElementById('monthlyEMI');
        this.totalInterest = document.getElementById('totalInterest');
        this.totalAmount = document.getElementById('totalAmount');
        this.amortizationTable = document.getElementById('amortizationTable');

    attachEventListeners() {
        this.calculateBtn.addEventListener('click', () => this.calculateEMI());
        this.resetBtn.addEventListener('click', () => this.resetCalculator());
        // Real-time calculation on input change
        ['input', 'change'].forEach(event => {
            this.loanAmount.addEventListener(event, () => this.calculateEMI());
            this.interestRate.addEventListener(event, () => this.calculateEMI());
            this.loanTenure.addEventListener(event, () => this.calculateEMI());
            this.tenureType.addEventListener(event, () => this.calculateEMI());

    setupLanguageSupport() {
        const langSelector = document.getElementById('languageSelector');
        if (langSelector) {
            langSelector.addEventListener('change', (e) => this.changeLanguage(;

    calculateEMI() {
        const P = parseFloat(this.loanAmount.value);
        const R = parseFloat(this.interestRate.value) / 12 / 100; // Monthly interest rate
        let N = parseFloat(this.loanTenure.value);
        // Convert years to months if years is selected
        if (this.tenureType.value === 'years') {
            N = N * 12;

        // EMI calculation formula: EMI = P * R * (1 + R)^N / ((1 + R)^N - 1)
        const EMI = P * R * Math.pow(1 + R, N) / (Math.pow(1 + R, N) - 1);
        const totalAmount = EMI * N;
        const totalInterest = totalAmount - P;

        this.updateResults(EMI, totalAmount, totalInterest);
        this.generateAmortizationSchedule(P, R, N, EMI);

    updateResults(EMI, totalAmount, totalInterest) {
        this.monthlyEMI.textContent = this.formatCurrency(EMI);
        this.totalAmount.textContent = this.formatCurrency(totalAmount);
        this.totalInterest.textContent = this.formatCurrency(totalInterest);

    generateAmortizationSchedule(principal, monthlyRate, tenure, EMI) {
        let balance = principal;
        let schedule = [];
        for (let month = 1; month <= tenure; month++) {
            const interest = balance * monthlyRate;
            const principalPaid = EMI - interest;
            balance = balance - principalPaid;

                emi: EMI,
                principal: principalPaid,
                interest: interest,
                balance: Math.max(0, balance)


    displayAmortizationSchedule(schedule) {
        let html = `

        schedule.forEach(row => {
            html += `

        html += '</tbody>';
        this.amortizationTable.innerHTML = html;

    formatCurrency(amount) {
        return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-IN', {
            style: 'currency',
            currency: 'INR',
            minimumFractionDigits: 0,
            maximumFractionDigits: 0

    // Multilingual support
    getText(key) {
        const translations = {
            'en': {
                'month': 'Month',
                'emi': 'EMI',
                'principal': 'Principal',
                'interest': 'Interest',
                'balance': 'Balance'
            'hi': {
                'month': 'महीना',
                'emi': 'ईएमआई',
                'principal': 'मूल राशि',
                'interest': 'ब्याज',
                'balance': 'शेष राशि'

        const currentLang = document.documentElement.lang || 'en';
        return translations[currentLang][key] || translations['en'][key];

    changeLanguage(lang) {
        document.documentElement.lang = lang;
        this.calculateEMI(); // Refresh the display with new language

    resetCalculator() {
        // Reset input values to defaults
        this.loanAmount.value = '1000000';
        this.interestRate.value = '10.5';
        this.loanTenure.value = '20';
        this.tenureType.value = 'years';
        // Reset result displays
        this.monthlyEMI.textContent = '₹0';
        this.totalInterest.textContent = '₹0';
        this.totalAmount.textContent = '₹0';
        this.amortizationTable.innerHTML = '';
        // Add a subtle animation to indicate reset

    animateReset() {
        const inputs = [this.loanAmount, this.interestRate, this.loanTenure];
        inputs.forEach(input => {
   = 'all 0.3s ease';
   = '#e8f0fe';
            setTimeout(() => {
       = '';
            }, 300);

// Initialize the calculator when the DOM is loaded
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    new EMICalculator();

Primary Keywords:

  1. Best EMI Calculator Tool 2025
  2. EMI Calculator for WordPress Websites
  3. How to Create an EMI Calculator Online
  4. WordPress Loan Calculator Plugin 2025
  5. Responsive EMI Calculator Design

Long-Tail Keywords:

  1. Step-by-Step Guide to Build EMI Calculator on WordPress
  2. Advanced EMI Calculator with Amortization Schedule
  3. Create EMI Calculator without Coding
  4. EMI Calculation Tool for Personal and Home Loans
  5. Free EMI Calculator Plugin for WordPress

Trending Keywords:

  1. AI-Powered EMI Calculator 2025
  2. No-Code EMI Calculator for Websites
  3. Loan EMI Calculator with Graphs and Charts
  4. SEO-Friendly EMI Tool for WordPress Blogs
  5. Best Financial Calculator Tools for 2025

Related Keywords:

  1. Home Loan EMI Calculator 2025
  2. WordPress Tools for Financial Calculators
  3. SEO-Optimized EMI Calculator for Blogs
  4. Real-Time Loan EMI Calculation Tool
  5. Financial Tools for Personal Loan Calculations


EMI Calculator 2025

EMI Calculator

Monthly EMI


Total Interest


Total Amount


Amortization Schedule


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