How to Create a GST Calculator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 2025

  1. Accurate Tax Calculation: Automates the GST calculation process.
  2. User-Friendly Tool: Enhances the user experience on your website.
  3. SEO Boost: Increases organic traffic by providing a valuable resource.

In today’s digital world, GST (Goods and Services Tax) calculators are essential for businesses to calculate taxes accurately.

What is a GST Calculator?

A GST calculator is a simple tool that helps businesses and individuals calculate the GST amount for various goods and services. It saves time and ensures accurate tax calculations.

How to Create a GST Calculator Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Step 1: Set Up the HTML Structure

HTML forms the backbone of your GST calculator. Use simple input fields and buttons for user interaction.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta name="description" content="Free online GST Calculator for India - Calculate CGST, SGST, IGST easily">
    <title>GST Calculator India</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
      :root {
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    background-color: var(--background-color);
    color: var(--text-color);

.container {
    max-width: 800px;
    margin: 2rem auto;
    padding: 0 1rem;

.calculator-wrapper {
    background: rgb(229, 226, 226);
    border-radius: 1rem;
    padding: 2rem;
    box-shadow: 0 4px 6px -1px rgba(227, 230, 103, 0.1);

h1 {
    text-align: center;
    color: var(--primary-color);
    margin-bottom: 2rem;
    font-size: 2rem;

.input-group {
    margin-bottom: 1.5rem;

label {
    display: block;
    margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
    font-weight: 500;

select {
    width: 100%;
    padding: 0.75rem;
    border: 1px solid var(--border-color);
    border-radius: 0.5rem;
    font-size: 1rem;

.radio-group {
    display: flex;
    gap: 1.5rem;
    margin-top: 0.5rem;

.radio-group label {
    margin-bottom: 0;
    font-weight: normal;

button {
    background-color: var(--primary-color);
    color: white;
    padding: 0.75rem 1.5rem;
    border: none;
    border-radius: 0.5rem;
    font-size: 1rem;
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: background-color 0.2s;
    width: 100%;

button:hover {
    background-color: var(--secondary-color);

.hidden {
    display: none;

#results {
    margin-top: 2rem;
    padding-top: 2rem;
    border-top: 2px solid var(--border-color);

.result-grid {
    display: grid;
    gap: 1rem;
    margin: 1.5rem 0;

.result-item {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    padding: 0.75rem;
    background-color: var(--background-color);
    border-radius: 0.5rem;

.action-buttons {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(150px, 1fr));
    gap: 1rem;
    margin-top: 1.5rem;

@media (max-width: 640px) {
    .container {
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    .calculator-wrapper {
        padding: 1.5rem;
    .radio-group {
        flex-direction: column;
        gap: 0.5rem;

/* Dark mode styles */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
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        color: var(--text-color);
    .result-item {
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    <div class="container">
        <div class="calculator-wrapper">
            <h1>GST Calculator India</h1>
            <form id="gstForm" onsubmit="return false;">
                <div class="input-group">
                    <label for="amount">Invoice Amount*</label>
                    <input type="number" id="amount" required min="0" step="0.01" placeholder="Enter amount">

                <div class="input-group">
                    <label for="gstRate">GST Rate*</label>
                    <select id="gstRate">
                        <option value="5">5%</option>
                        <option value="12">12%</option>
                        <option value="18" selected>18%</option>
                        <option value="28">28%</option>
                        <option value="custom">Custom Rate</option>
                    <input type="number" id="customRate" class="hidden" min="0" max="100" step="0.01" placeholder="Enter custom rate">

                <div class="input-group">
                    <label>Tax Type*</label>
                    <div class="radio-group">
                        <input type="radio" id="exclusive" name="taxType" value="exclusive" checked>
                        <label for="exclusive">Exclusive of GST</label>
                        <input type="radio" id="inclusive" name="taxType" value="inclusive">
                        <label for="inclusive">Inclusive of GST</label>

                <div class="input-group">
                    <label>Transaction Type*</label>
                    <div class="radio-group">
                        <input type="radio" id="intrastate" name="transactionType" value="intrastate" checked>
                        <label for="intrastate">Intrastate (CGST + SGST)</label>
                        <input type="radio" id="interstate" name="transactionType" value="interstate">
                        <label for="interstate">Interstate (IGST)</label>

                <button type="submit" id="calculateBtn">Calculate GST</button>

            <div id="results" class="hidden">
                <div class="result-grid">
                    <div class="result-item">
                        <span>Base Amount:</span>
                        <span id="baseAmount">₹0.00</span>
                    <div class="result-item intrastate">
                        <span id="cgst">₹0.00</span>
                    <div class="result-item intrastate">
                        <span id="sgst">₹0.00</span>
                    <div class="result-item interstate">
                        <span id="igst">₹0.00</span>
                    <div class="result-item">
                        <span>Total GST:</span>
                        <span id="totalGst">₹0.00</span>
                    <div class="result-item">
                        <span>Final Amount:</span>
                        <span id="finalAmount">₹0.00</span>
                <div class="action-buttons">
                    <button id="downloadPdf">Download PDF</button>
                    <button id="shareWhatsapp">Share on WhatsApp</button>
                    <button id="shareEmail">Share via Email</button>
    <script src="script.js"></script>
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // Get DOM elements
    const form = document.getElementById('gstForm');
    const gstRateSelect = document.getElementById('gstRate');
    const customRateInput = document.getElementById('customRate');
    const resultsDiv = document.getElementById('results');
    // Handle custom rate selection
    gstRateSelect.addEventListener('change', function() {
        customRateInput.classList.toggle('hidden', this.value !== 'custom');
        if (this.value === 'custom') {
            customRateInput.required = true;
        } else {
            customRateInput.required = false;

    // Handle transaction type change
    document.querySelectorAll('input[name="transactionType"]').forEach(radio => {
        radio.addEventListener('change', function() {
            const isInterstate = this.value === 'interstate';
            document.querySelectorAll('.intrastate').forEach(el => 
       = isInterstate ? 'none' : 'flex');
            document.querySelectorAll('.interstate').forEach(el => 
       = isInterstate ? 'flex' : 'none');

    // Calculate GST
    form.addEventListener('submit', function() {
        const amount = parseFloat(document.getElementById('amount').value);
        const gstRate = gstRateSelect.value === 'custom' 
            ? parseFloat(customRateInput.value) 
            : parseFloat(gstRateSelect.value);
        const isInclusive = document.getElementById('inclusive').checked;
        const isInterstate = document.getElementById('interstate').checked;

        if (isNaN(amount) || isNaN(gstRate)) {
            alert('Please enter valid numbers');

        let baseAmount, gstAmount, finalAmount;

        if (isInclusive) {
            baseAmount = amount / (1 + (gstRate / 100));
            gstAmount = amount - baseAmount;
            finalAmount = amount;
        } else {
            baseAmount = amount;
            gstAmount = (amount * gstRate) / 100;
            finalAmount = amount + gstAmount;

        // Update results
        document.getElementById('baseAmount').textContent = formatCurrency(baseAmount);
        document.getElementById('totalGst').textContent = formatCurrency(gstAmount);
        document.getElementById('finalAmount').textContent = formatCurrency(finalAmount);

        if (isInterstate) {
            document.getElementById('igst').textContent = formatCurrency(gstAmount);
        } else {
            const halfGst = gstAmount / 2;
            document.getElementById('cgst').textContent = formatCurrency(halfGst);
            document.getElementById('sgst').textContent = formatCurrency(halfGst);


    // Format currency in Indian Rupees
    function formatCurrency(amount) {
        return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-IN', {
            style: 'currency',
            currency: 'INR'

    // Share functionality
    document.getElementById('shareWhatsapp').addEventListener('click', function() {
        const text = generateShareText();`${encodeURIComponent(text)}`);

    document.getElementById('shareEmail').addEventListener('click', function() {
        const text = generateShareText();
        window.location.href = `mailto:?subject=GST Calculation&body=${encodeURIComponent(text)}`;

    // Generate text for sharing
    function generateShareText() {
        const baseAmount = document.getElementById('baseAmount').textContent;
        const totalGst = document.getElementById('totalGst').textContent;
        const finalAmount = document.getElementById('finalAmount').textContent;
        return `GST Calculation Details:\n\nBase Amount: ${baseAmount}\nTotal GST: ${totalGst}\nFinal Amount: ${finalAmount}`;

    // Download PDF functionality
    document.getElementById('downloadPdf').addEventListener('click', async function() {
        alert('PDF download functionality requires additional implementation with a PDF library');
        // TODO: Implement PDF generation using a library like jsPDF

SEO Optimization Tips for Your GST Calculator Page

  1. Use Relevant Keywords: Include keywords like “GST Calculator,” “Tax Calculator,” “HTML CSS GST Tool,” and “JavaScript GST Calculator” in your content.
  2. Meta Description: Write a concise meta description to attract clicks.
  3. Alt Tags: Use descriptive alt tags for any images or icons.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Ensure your GST calculator is mobile-friendly.
  5. Internal and External Links: Link to related pages or trusted tax resources.


Creating a GST calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a great way to provide value to your audience and boost your SEO rankings. With a user-friendly interface and optimized content, you can attract traffic and improve engagement.

Start building your GST calculator today and watch your website’s traffic grow!

Keywords to Use in Your Article:

  • GST calculator code
  • How to create GST calculator
  • HTML CSS JavaScript tools
  • GST tax calculation tool
  • SEO-friendly tax calculator


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